Treatment For Back Pain: Reasons & Prevention

Back Pain is a severe problem for everyone suffering from it. Some might suffer from occasional pains while some suffer from continuous pains in their back which hinders their daily activities. Some people end up leaving their jobs as they find it difficult to sit for long hours due to discomfort in the back.

What might be the reason for it?

What are the types of back pains?

How can you prevent it from causing?

Treatment for back pain?

When should you seek an expert?

How does Neurotherapy cure it?

Let’s go a little deeper into it.

Reasons for Back Pain

There are several reasons. These reasons depend on age, gender, type of work they do, stress, obesity, previous injury, tumors, and other internal disorders as well.

  • The condition in females is more common than in males
  • People of older in age are more prone than people of younger age
  • If your work involves long hours of sitting or people working in the labor workforce, you are most likely to be affected.
  • Stress causes our body to release hormones like adrenaline which is believed to increase blood pressure and cause tension around the muscles of our spine
  • Injuries are the prime reason for back pains.
  • Other disorders like musculoskeletal disorders can be the reasons for your pain in the back.

Types Of Back Pain

    This type of condition arises in the lower back and is the most common type. The main cause can be disk injury or muscle sprain. Muscle spasms and constant pain can occur. Sudden spasms are felt in cases of injury.
Radiating Pain
    This type of pain progresses from lower back down to leg. The pain can be severe and terrible. This type of pain arises due to nerve irritation. Keeping legs straight for long hours, coughing, sneezing & bending can trigger the pain.
Referred Pain
    This occurs in a location close to the actual source of pain. For instance, during heart attack people tend to feel pain in their left arms. 

Prevention of Back Pain
The most effective method of preventing back aches is exercising regularly. But any such exercise which causes the strain to increase should be discontinued. Aerobic exercises or Yoga are also very effective in preventing back pains and improving body posture.

When to visit a doctor?

As soon as you observe any symptoms of nerve damage, fever, digestive disorder, or urinary tract disorder, you must visit a doctor. If your condition exceeds 6 weeks, it is advised to visit a doctor quickly.

How Does Neurotherapy treat back pain?

There are several options to treat back pains. Some of them are intake of medicines, applying cream or gel, or getting surgery in some cases.

But are they effective in the long run?

Doctors prescribe analgesics, which are for temporary relief. Some medicines might not suit certain body types and can cause side effects. The application of pain relief gels is also for temporary relief. On the other hand, surgery which is an invasive option might cause problems in some cases. A general stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days is mandatory and complete bed rest for about 6 weeks is recommended.  Also, surgery is an expensive mode of treatment for some.

For all these reasons, Neurotherapy comes out to be the best and clear option for the treatment of back pain as no prescription of medicines or any form of surgery is performed.

Neurotherapy – Treatment for back pain?

Firstly, the Neurotherapist identifies certain physical points. These physical points and when they are used are listed below: 

  • L5-S1 Geisai

This point is used when conditions like lower back pains, slip disc, or lumber spondylosis occur. The belt line in the body is the L5-S1 point. Usually, the neurotherapist uses his legs to perform the treatment. The treatment can be performed by hand as well. In this form of treatment, the neurotherapist rubs the belt line located at the back 15 to 16 times. First in the center and then at both sides.

  • L3-4-5

Immediately after L5-S1 Gesai, the neurotherapist focuses on vertebrae L3-4-5 and runs his palms outwards from those points, creating a butterfly movement. This action is repeated 3 times at each point L3, L4, and L5.

  • L5

This point is focused on cases of fractures or injuries. Though the earlier mentioned can be performed at home L5 should be performed by an experienced neurotherapist.

Neurotherapy India conducts workshops on pain management for budding Neurotherapy practitioners and runs a Youtube channel, for people wanting to learn methods of curing pain in the back.