Psoriasis is caused by an overactive immune system and is chategorised under chronic skin condition. In this skin conditon the life cycle of skin cells speeds up. Psoriasis is often associated with serious health condtion like diabetes, heart diseases or even depression. Psoriasis is a persistent ailemnt which often comes and goes. The most common psoriatic scales are whitish-silver and often develop in thick red patches. In severe cases these patches tend to crack and even bleed.
Psoriasis is a condition where the speed of the skin creation occurs fast. The skin rise to the surface and fall off. Scales mostly develop on joints, such elbows and knees.
The scales tend to develop anywhere on the body, including the:
There are other types of psoriasis which affects the nails, the mouth , and the area around genitals.Psoriasis can occur at any age but it is motsly found to occur in the ages between 15 to 35. Psoriasis that comes before the age of 10 makes 10 percent of the total psoriasis affected population.About 10 to 15 percent of those with psoriasis get it before age 10. Infants may also develop psoriasis but it is found to be a rare case.Psoriasis is not a communicable disease. No one catch psoriasis from you. Psoriasis lesions are not contagious.
Types of psoriasis: