Body Pain Treatment
Body pain is an unpleasant experience which can be caused because of many reasons like tiredness or exercise which is usually harmless but they can also be caused because of some underlying condition which needs to be treated, like weakening of nerves which can occur over time or some sports injury etc.
These are some common body pains which most of us deal with in our day to day life:
- Back pain
- Knee pain
- Stomach pain
- Migraine
- Arthritis

Although its common perception to take medicine for body pain but it can also be cure without medicine by channelizing our body’s own energy with the help of Neurotherapy. Neurotherapy is a type of treatment which has existed since ancient times in India. Earlier in our household, there were medicine practitioners who without prescribing any medicines used to cure people. This practice is called Neurotherapy.
Neurotherapy use physical pressure points to treat patients. The pressure points are pressed efficiently and rubbed few times to cure the patient. The physical points are first detected according to the patient’s disease or disorder and then the points are pressed simultaneously. One of such method to activate our body’s own painkiller system is explained in this video. Or if you need any further help you can contact us on: +91-9718425042
Let us look at some types of pain with their Neurotherapy cure:
1. Headache:
There are different types of headaches like vascular (migraine), muscle contraction (tension) etc.
• Traumatic brain injury
• Brain tumour
• Infections such as meningitis
• Blood clots
• Alcohol- induced hangover
• Bleeding in and out the brain
• Dehydration
• Panic attacks
To some extent depends on the type of headache:
• Tension headache: mild to moderate pain that can feel like band around both the sides of the head.
• Migraine headache: it’s a severe throbbing pain in front parts of head.
• Cluster headache: these cause intense pain often around one eye. It usually happen over a period of 1 or 2 months.
Treatment of migraine:
• Push your thumbs clockwise on the eyebrows of a patient.
• Then push your thumbs clockwise on each side of a nose.
• Now push your thumbs behind the ears of the patient and push till you reach the back of their head.

Back Pain:
Back pain can affect any person whether young or old. Back pain is due to disorders of the aorta, tumours in the chest and spine inflammation.
• Muscle tension
• Strained muscles or ligaments
• Damaged disks
• Injuries
• Fractures or falls
• Cancer of spine
• Sleep disorders
• Weight loss
• Fever
• Swelling on back
• Persistent back pain
• Pain down the legs
• A recent injury
Neurotherapy treatment for back pain:
Neurotherapists find certain physical points to treat back pain like:
• L5- S1 Geisai
• L 3-4-5
Neck Pain:
Pain located in the neck is a common medical condition. It can cause in any of the tissues in the neck.
• Fracture
• Infection
• Tumour
• Inflammation
• Sleeping awkwardly
• A sprain
• Worry or stress

• Pain and stiffness
• Numbness
• Dizziness and blackouts
Treatment of neck pain:
• Start pushing your thumb clockwise from left side of the neck and repeat the same until you reach the right side of the neck.
• Behind your neck there is points called T1 and T2. Start rubbing your neck with your hands on the points T1 and T2.

Muscle Pain:
It can originate in any muscle of the body. It can arise due to overexertion, infections of the soft tissues or inflammatory conditions.
• Muscle rupture
• Medication side effects
• Tension
• Viral infection
• Fever
• Rash
• Bite mark
• Dizziness

Pelvic Pain:
It is more common in women but can affect men too. It is sign that there is a problem in one of the organs in pelvic areas such as uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes or cervix.
• Bladder disorders
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Nerve conditions
• Hernia
• Pelvis disorder
• Pain or burning sensation when you urinate
• Often feeling an urgent to urinate
• Cloudy urine
• Blood in urine
• Urine has strong or bad smell
Abdominal Pain:
This pain occurs between the chest and pelvic regions. It is also called stomach-ache. Inflammation or diseases that affect the organs in the abdomen can cause abdominal pain.
• Constipation
• Stress
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Infections

• Kidney stones
• Kidney infections
• Gallbladder stones
• Organ rupture
Treatment by Neurotherapy:
• The person should lie on his back.
• The person who is treating you have to insert 3 fingers into your naval to check for heart beat at your belly. If the heart doesn’t beat than your naval is displaced.
• Neurotherapy uses methods to make blood flow into your naval.

Knee Pain:
Knee pain can be localized to a specific area of the knee or diffuse throughout the knee. It is often accompanied by physical restriction.
• Broken bone
• Torn ligament
• Arthritis
• Osteoporosis: when person is of the age of 30 or above, the bones of the person gets weak this is due to less calcium intake and degeneration.
• Over weight: if you are overweight, then 30% of your body weights gives stress on your knee and this causes pain in knee.
• Limping due to discomfort
• Unable to bend the knee
• Redness and swelling
• Inability to extend the knee
• Difficult weight bearing
Learn more such medicine-less treatments, through our Youtube channel.
If you still needs help, we are always here to help you. Avail our Doctor at Home service.