Types of Asthma

Asthma Treatment has been a big question for people. Whether to take medicines life-long or roam with a pump in the hand. Let us discuss everything about the types of asthma and how to cure it without the use of medicines.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a form of condition in which the airways gets filled with mucus. This causes the airways to swell and narrow which results in difficulty in breathing. The condition also triggers coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. The condition 6zcan be a minor problem for some while for some this can be a major nuisance that hinders their day-to-day lives and also causes life threatening asthma attacks. Asthma Treatment can be done by Neurotherapy without the use of medicines and surgeries and just by pressing the pressure points.

Asthma is believed to often run in families. Genetics are believed to carry on Asthma. Other secondly factors such as exposure to passive smoking or air pollution can be reasons for why Asthma occurs.

Though asthma cannot be cured but preventive form of treatment will stop it from occurring again and again. Its symptoms can be controlled so that a patient can carry on with his day-to-day activities.

The symptoms of Asthma are:

  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Tightness in Chest
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Wheezing

There are various types of Asthma depending on how a patient develops asthma and at what age:

Adult-Onset Asthma

Adult-Onset Asthma occurs when a person is in adult-hood. Some people don’t show signs of having Asthma until they are adults. There are many possible factors that causes Adult-Onset Asthma. Certain people just escape their triggers of Asthma till a particular age. When they are exposed to these triggers at a certain age like a pet, or chemical fumes for the first time, they realize that they are suffering from Asthma.

Sometimes a Viral Infection can also trigger Asthma causing Adult-Onset Asthma.

Allergic Asthma

Allergic Asthma are usually caused by triggers like:

  • Pollen from Grass, trees and weeds
  • Pet Dander
  • Dust Miles
  • Mold

One of the most effective ways of avoiding this Asthma from occurring is to avoid the triggers that cause the Asthma.

Asthma-COPD Overlap

Asthma and COPD are 2 independent diseases. COPD is a collection of lung diseases that cause breathing problems and restrict air-flow. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease includes diseases like Asthma, Emphysema and Bronchitis. When people develop both of these diseases and Asthma and COPD overlaps then ACOS is occurred. Apart from the usual Asthma symptoms, person suffering from ACOS develop other symptoms as well like:

  • Excess Phlegm
  • Felling Tired
  • Low physical Tolerance for exercise
  • Shortness of breath during routine activities

Exercise-Induced Bronchonstriction (EIB)

Exercise Induced Bronchonstriction or Exercise Induced Asthma are both same terms. In this type of Asthma, they airways narrows down as a result of physical Activity. Athletes are believed to have Exercise Induced Bronchonstriction.

EIB is characterized as loss of heat or water, or both from the airways during physical activities like exercising, running or climbing the stairs.

Most Common Symptoms of EIB are:

  • Sore Throat
  • Upset Stomach
  • Shortness of breath
  • Decreased Endurance

Non-allergic Asthma

Non-Allergic Asthma is caused in extreme winters or extreme summers. This type of Asthma occurs in extreme weathers. Stress can also flare up this type of Asthma. This type of Asthma occurs due to everything else other than allergens:

  • Respiratory Infection
  • Exercise
  • Irritants in the Air
  • Stress
  • Drugs and certain food additives

The most common symptoms of Non-Allergic Asthma are:

  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing
  • Tightness in Chest

Occupational Asthma

Have you ever heard that someone’s occupation can trigger Asthma?

Yes, there exists a type of Asthma that occurs due to one’s occupations.  When someone works around chemical fumes, dust or other irritants in the air, then they might develop Asthma. According to National Institutes of Health, the following workers are at increased risk of developing occupational Asthma:

  • Bakers
  • Detergent manufacturers
  • Drug Manufacturers
  • Farmers
  • Grain elevator workers
  • Laboratory workers
  • Wood workers
  • Plastic Workers

Neurotherapy focuses on treating any disease without the use of medicines or surgery. Neurotherapy focuses on dealing with pressure points to cure Asthma.

The Neurotherapy Experts while performing Neurotherapy centers on focusing on increasing the Lung Capacity. The Expert performs Neurotherapy on the back of the patients.

The Neurotherapy done for Asthma Treatment  involves these following steps:

  1. Making the Patient Lie.
  2. Rubbing the shoulder blade on both side for 12 times.
  3. Then the focus is shifted towards the spine. The spine is rubbed with one finger from top to bottom and both ways.
  4. The spine is again rubbed from top to bottom and from bottom to top with 2 finger now for 10 times.
  5. The above procedure is repeated again.

This form of treatment for general asthmatic patients  is believed to increase the lung capacity of patients. More over the nerves that are near to the spine are stimulated. This causes the patients to breath easily and find no discomfort during breathing.

Physical Points are identified and then performed treatment on. The points are rubbed or massaged to stimulate proper Blood flow.

Asthma Treatment by Neurotherapy  takes few sittings depending on the level of Asthma he/she is suffering from.

To learn more about Neurotherapy, visit our YouTube channel.